Everything about weighers

We are your expert for multihead weighers and entire packaging solutions. As a system provider we support you from the development of customized solutions to the successful installation and launch. After that, we are always at your disposal as service expert offering spare parts, site visits and the development of cleaning concepts.


Multihead weighers

Combination weighers in 12 product categories with over 100 specifications

Turnkey solutions

Conception, development, procurement and installation of the entire packaging line

After-sales service

Worldwide on-site service in the respective local language

Spare parts

Short-term procurement of spare parts

Product warranties

Product warranties with a term of up to 5 years

Cleaning concept

Specialized cleaning concepts for food packaging facilities

Turnkey solutions Consult us!

Our customers expect the perfect packaging solution customized to their individual situation. As a manufacturer of special purpose machines and expert for multihead weighers, our know-how encompasses the entire packaging process. Therefore, multiweigh is often active as system provider (turnkey solutions). We develop the overall concept, organize cost-effective procurement of the required components, coordinate the suppliers and install the entire packaging solution – all from a single source.

Applications Consult us

Thanks to our long-standing know-how and specialization, we are able to offer the market’s widest range of applications with more than 800 proven application areas.